
Getting Back at Solicitors
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The Follwoing Phone Calls Were Made To Torture Phone Telemarketers. MaxRetarted and it's Afilliates must insist that everyone try this at home and torture every phone solicitor that calls the house. Thank You For Listening!

This is an actual documented phone call by me on the date of April 29, 2003


Solicitor : Sir We have a huge deal on your credit card today. We're giving away $2500 in credit. WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOUR DAY, MAKE YOUR DAY SIR!
MaxRetarted: Really WOW!
Solicitor: You can buy almost anything with this credit card sir!
MaxRetarted: Can it cover carpet Cleaning?
MaxRetarted: (sigh)
Solicitor: IT CAN!
MaxRetarted: Good because my carpet is really dirty, you know with all the blood stains and such. Does Your Plan Cover Blood Stains?
Solicitor: LET ME CHECK! (In Background he yells this out.) HEY BILL CAN THE CREDIT CARD COVER BLOOD STAINS?!
MaxRetarted: (Another Sigh)
Solicitor: YES IT CAN!
MaxRetarted: Great, because they're big blood stains. REALLY BIG BLOOD STAINS! Does your plan cover gun cleaning, big gun cleaning?
Solicitor: I'll ask. (In Background he yells this out.) HEY BILL DOES IT COVER GUN CLEANING!?
MaxRetarted: (At this point I have no idea if this guy just wants to really make a sale, if he doesn't know what is going on, or if he's retarded.)
Solicitor: YES IT DOES!
MaxRetarted: OK GREAT! One more question, Does the plan cover hazardous waste because it is sort of a biohazard around here with all this blood and human flesh around?
Solicitor: LET ME GO CHECK! ( In the background he yells if it covers that and a guy says "They're just playin with you.") Are you just playing with me!?
MaxRetarted: (HANG UP)

Ways to Get Rid of Telephone Solicitors

Bizarre things to say and do to a telephone solicitor to get him to hang up and leave you alone:

  • "So, what are you wearing?"

  • Talk very quietly and then without warning, scream as loud as you can into the phone.

  • "You'll have to excuse me now, my armpit is on fire."

  • "I'm sorry, but this phone is for personal calls only. The boss won't let us use it for business."

  • Respond to their questions with fax/modem noises.

  • "Have you heard about that study showing that it can cause impotence to sit all day with a telephone receiver next to your head?"

  • When they ask to speak with you, say "Just a moment," and give the phone to your six-year old child to carry on the conversation.

  • Pretend to be very interested in their product and then quite calmly and earnestly inquire, "Yes, but can it make a six minute casserole?"

  • "I am truly sorry but the moon is in the seventh house of Pluto and my astrologer would just die if he knew I was talking to a salesman during this solar phase."

  • "This isn't a recording. This isn't a recording. This isn't a recording. This isn't a recording."

Ways to Get Rid of Telemarketers

1. If they want to loan you money, tell them you just filed for Bankruptcy and you could sure use some money.

2. If they start out with, "How are you today?" say, "Why do you want to know?" Or you can say, "I'm so glad you asked, because no one seems to care these days and I have all these problems, my sciatica is acting up, my eyelashes are sore, my dog just died..." When they get try to get back to the sell, just continue your problems.

3. If they say they're Joe Doe fro the XYZ Company, Ask them to spell their name, then ask them to spell the company name, then ask them where it located. Continue asking them personal questions or questions about their company for as long as necessary.

4. Crying out, in well-simulated tones of pleasure and surprise, "Judy!! Is this really you? Oh, my God! Judy, how have you BEEN?" Hopefully, this will give Judy a few brief moments of terror as she tries to figure out where the hell she could know you from.

5. Say, "No", over and over. Be sure to vary the sound of each no, and keep an even tempo even as they're trying to speak. This is the most fun if you can keep going until they hang up.

6. If MCI calls trying to get you to sign up with their Family and Friends plan, reply, in a sinister a voice as you can muster, "I don't have any friends...would you be my friend?"

7. If they clean rugs: "Can you get blood out, you can? Well, how about goat blood or HUMAN blood.

8. Let the person go through their spiel, providing minimal but necessary feedback in the form of an occasional "Uh-huh, really, or "Thats fascinating." Finally, when they ask you to buy, ask them to marry you. They get all flustered, but just tell them you couldn't give your credit card number to someone thats a complete stranger.

9. Tell them you work for the same company they work for. Example:
Telemarketer: "This is Bill from Watertronics."
You: "Watertronics!! Hey I work for them too. Where are you calling from?"
Telemarketer: "Uh, Dallas, Texas."
You: "Great, they have a group there too? How's business/the weather? Too bad the company has a policy against selling to employees! Oh well, see ya."

10. Answer the phone. As soon as you realize it is a telemarketer, set the receiver down, shout or scream, "Oh, my God!!!" and then hang up.

11. Tell the Telemarketer you are busy and if they will give you their phone number you will call them back. If they say they are not allow to give out their number, Then ask them for their home number and tell them you will call them at home. (this is usually the most effective method of getting rid of Telemarketers)


Some Ideas To Get Rid Of Telemarketers

First, you have to tell me what kind of underwear youre wearing.

Im sorry, but Im really busy right now. Give me your home number and Ill call you back later tonight.

Shhh. Wait a minute. Im here robbing the house. Whoa! I think the owners just got home. Can you hold?

When someone asks whether a spouse is at home: Yes, but I never allow her (him) to talk to strangers.

When someone asks how you are: Well, Im having an existential crisis at the moment. Let me explain....

You want to sell me insurance? Ive been trying to get insurance for years, but nobody will sell me any!

To someone hawking a rug-cleaning service, whisper: Do you get goats blood out? How about identifiable fibers and that DNA stuff?

To a phone company solicitor: That sounds great! Wait, can you hold for a minute? (Leave the phone off the hook until he or she hangs up).

When a chimney sweep or rug cleaner calls, break into tears and sob, Is this some kind of a joke? My house burned down last night. We lost everything!

Learn show tunes. Anything by Ethel Merman tends to be the most effective.

10) Pretend you don't speak English.
9) Say "Hold on," then scream to a nonexistent person: "If you try to take the knife out, it'll just hurt worse!"
8) Burst into tears when money is mentioned.
7) Ask if the deal is good for all your personalities.
6) Tell them you'll accept their offer if they can guess the color of your underwear.
5) Repeat everything they say in the form of a question.
4) As soon as they identify themselves, say, "You guys are still in business? Well, I guess the bomb has another 30 seconds."
3) Tell them the restraining order applies to phone calls as well as physical distance.
2) Mutter: "Aww, damn. Not another one. The last Jehovah's Witness almost got me the death penalty."


10) Pretend you don't speak English.

9) Say "Hold on," then scream to a nonexistent person: "If you try to take the knife out, it'll just hurt worse!"

8) Burst into tears when money is mentioned.

7) Ask if the deal is good for all your personalities.

6) Tell them you'll accept their offer if they can guess your color of underwear.

5) Repeat everything they say in the form of a question.

4) As soon as they identify themselves, say, "You guys are still in business? Well, I guess the bomb has another 30 seconds."

3) Tell them the restraining order applies to phone calls as well as physical distance.

2) Mutter: "Aww, damn. Not another one. The last Jehovah's Witness almost got me the death penalty."


If you have any funny phone converstaions that you've done to torture phone solicitors send it to me at MaxRetarted on Aim. If your phone conersation is good enough, it could go on my site.